On this page you can donate to Compassion Church through your online banking..
Use this QR code to go to our Stripe payment page to donate an amount of your choice. You will receive a receipt.
Alternatively, this button will take you to our Stripe payment page as well.
Using your banking app you can send money to our bank by direct bank-to-bank transfer. Our details are :
Account number - 82897662
Sort code - 30-98-97
Account name - Compassion Network UK
A UK registered charity, number 1194141
We meet at Hermon Chapel, Nolton Street,
Bridgend CF31 3AA
We are also part of the Elim Pentecostal Churches,
UK Charity Number 251549
Website designed and built by Interface Websites
Visit our US main website at Compassion Church US
We place the greatest importance both on the safeguarding of everyone we are associated with and the safekeeping of personal information entrusted to us. Below are our Safeguarding and Information Security policies...